miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

remark event


Egypt it´s a word full of wonderful and amazing things, This library is one of the events to us very important since it is the union of two important civilizations, since they it were the Egyptian and the Greek. And it has in the humanity a very important impact, since he guards many secrets.
The Royal Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was once the largest library in the ancient world.
The Library of Alexandria is generally thought to have been founded at the beginning of the Third century BC, during the reign of Ptolemy II of Egypt. The Library was likely created after his father had built what would become the first part of the Library complex, the temple of the Muses – the Mouseion. The Greek Μουσείον was the home of music and poetry, a philosophical school and library such as Plato's school of philosophy, also a gallery of sacred texts.
The Latin word museum is derived from this.

The Great Library of Alexandria, it(she) was founded by the first Ptolomeos by the intention of helping to the maintenance of the Greek civilization in the bosom of the very conservative Egyptian civilization that was making a detour to the Alexandrine city.
This sanctuary was receiving a small zoo, gardens, a great room for meetings and even a laboratory. The rooms that they dedicated to the library ended up by being the most important of the whole institution, which was known in the intellectual world of the antiquity(antique) to the being only(unique). For centuries, the Ptolomeos supported and preserved the library that, from his beginning, supported an environment of study and of work. They dedicated big sums to the acquisition of books, with works of Greece, Persia, India, Palestine, Africa and other cultures, though it was predominating over the Greek literature.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008



For the ancient Egyptian society it was very important the paper that have the family inside the base of the society and its hierarchization, is for this reason that one of the Momentous events was the marriage which should be carried out soon since like we had mentioned the formation of the family before it was of great importance in the Egyptian society.

The appropriate age for that marriage would be 20 years for the man and enter 15 and 18 for the woman. These connections used to be concerted among the members of the family, always inside the same social class. The father's permission to carry out the wedding was an indispensable requirement. Concerted the marriage, you proceeded to the writing of a contract in which the contributions and the rights of both spouses were included, in terms of equality, what is provoking. For the celebration of the marriage it was not necessary any ceremony.

The divorce existed to the being one of the rejected parts, what motivated the abandonment of the home on the part of one of the spouses, generally the woman. The husband should maintain to the former-wife. The adultery could be punished until with the death, especially if the adulteress was the woman. But, according to the texts that have stayed, the Egyptian society was not excessively macho.

In conclusion the objective of the marriage was the procreation to assure the lineage and a decorous funeral for the parents. The creature would be breastfeed by the mother in the first three years; it seems to be that it didn't lapse a lot of time from the weaning to the beginning of the education. The father used to direct the educational process, teaching the son the family occupation in the shop or the store and finally the boy would begin as well as apprentice, system that you will continue in the medieval unions.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008


In Old Egypt, people who had free time used to spend time in enjoying certain games and sports, on everything between the highest classes. Of course, children were those that played more during their childhood, and have arrived until us diverse toys and table games that therefore demonstrate it. The small ones of all the social classes could have toys done of wood (raw material difficult to find in Egypt and that we suppose that they would obtain the highest classes to it of the society), fabric or mud, like arms, movable animal wrists, figures and people,

But also they dedicated to the communal games with its friends al free air, as fights, jumps, races and others very similar to which at the moment continues playing the children of all the world. A game that has been left engraving in the tombs is the well-known as "Game of the star", practiced as much by children and who consisted of which two of them held by the wrists to other two inclined and supported companions in the ground by the heels, while both first they had to rotate to his around to both seconds.

Between adults, entertainment of the games was more practiced by the high class, that had more time to dedicate al leisure. Aside from the table games, of which we will speak more ahead, the hunting or the fishing was dedicated to other necessities, as to please (and not by nourishing necessity).

masculine sports it seems that they were a species of military training for the war. Athletics practiced, specially the individual races or in group, the length and high jumps and the rise of weights. Competitions with chosen referees were even organized to guarantee the good operation of the game, and it was awarded to the winners with necklaces. Also there is registry of a sport very similar to the present jockey that gambled with woods and small balls, and that at the moment practices still in some zones of Egypt.

By as much, the sports them we can classify in two categories al less: one like leisure activities and entertainment, and another one like military training. Within this last one we can include, aside from the boxing, the ecuestres fight or races, activities and the shot with arc.

finally, I can also claim, the Egyptian town enjoyed its leisure of different ways, and one of them was practicing sport or dinner services, with an idea that has arrived to the present time, and is to be able to maintain a healthy body with a healthy mind.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2008



When people speak about of Egypt, they think automatically about heroes, pyramids, hieroglyphics, pharaohs and a great social culture in the world.
Thus it is interesting too see the great magnitude of heroes that were identified by capabilities like fortress, fight, fantastic animals without fear and able to win enemies convert in heroes.

So we will compare differences on evil and goodness characteristics, marriage to other subjects of two characters of the Egyptian mythology; Osiris, the god of earth an fertility, and also we will be contrasting Seth, his brother, the god of drought and darkness.

Osiris, the firstborn of Nut, was the heir of the Egyptian kingdom and he represented the good side, the regeneration and the fertility of the ground, while Seth, his brother, represented the aridity and the dark side.
With time, Osiris married to his sister Isis and Seth married to Neftis, therefore upon being a god only a goodness could be his wife.

With the time Osiris became the king of Egypt after Isis. In those times the humanity lived in wild state practicing the cannibalism where as taught to his two to cultivate the fields, and how to reap and collect the crop to beted.
Seth, in the mean time, envied is the power and popularity and killed it attracting it toward a coffin, which was dragged to levanon.
A great tree grew around him being cot by a king that carried it to its Palace.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008


Ancient Egyptian history covers a continuous period of over three thousand years.

Egyptian Civilization was in eastern North Africa concentrated along the middle to lower reaches of the Nile River that reached its greatest extent in the second millennium BC. During this period, called the New Kingdom, it stretched from southern Syria in the north to as far south as Jebel Barkal, located at the Fourth Cataract of the Nile in modern-day Sudan. The fluid geographic range of ancient Egypt also included, at different times, areas of the southern Levant, the Eastern Desert and the Red Sea coastline, the Sinai Peninsula, and the oases of the Western desert(1).

About Egypt's history Civilization began around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh, and it developed over the next three millennia. It’s history is divided into a series of golden ages, known as Kingdoms that are separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods. After the end of the last golden age, known as the New Kingdom, the civilization of ancient Egypt entered a period of slow, steady decline, during which Egypt was conquered by a succession of foreign adversaries. The power of the pharaohs officially ended in 31 BC when the early Roman Empire conquered Egypt and made it a province.(2)

The apparent Egyptian society a high hierarchization grade and dependence, occupying the last range the Pharaoh. The slaves occupied the lowest position in the range. In their majority they came from other countries, captured in the war or sold by merchants specialized in this "product". The slave could be devoted to all type of works, agricultural or domestic, having the authority to sell it, to give it or to rent it.
For above we find the servants; in exchange for a small retribution they carried out all type of works, being considered free people but their gentleman's clerks.
The peasants would be the following social class. Inside this group we distinguish the laborers that worked for the Pharaoh, a temple or a rich farmer in exchange for a miserable wage. The small proprietors should give most from their crops to the State or the temples in quality of tributes, being forced to carry out the necessary public works in exchange for the maintenance.
The artisans are in the intermediate class, inhabiting their majority in the cities. They were also forced to carry out the community works but they could pay to somebody that substituted them.
The members of the administration constituted the elites of the society, although we find a subdivision depending on their positions.

Ancient civilizations, such as ancient Egyptian civilization, developed the first knowledge mechanisms and technologies, which prevailed due to oral traditions. In addition, those ancient inventions have been useful for recent civilizations in order to create new technologies. These tools were made up of wood, rock, animal and human bones, and ivory. In addition, the first numbering systems and astronomic registries also appear during ancient civilizations. Most of ancient traditions have prevailed for more than twenty six centuries.

One of the most important inventions created in ancient Egypt and other ancient civilizations, is the writing, which, since then, have passed through many different organizational and developing processes. It is an effective tool which is useful, basically, for communication. As well as this, another important creation was the Egyptian pyramids, which were built as part of religious traditions and demonstrated their skills on geometry and mechanics. They also invented a calendar which is similar to the one used in the present. In addition, they were very good at mathematics, and even today most of their mathematical processes are still used.

However, probably the most important creation and legacy from ancient civilizations, is the writing. It is known that the first signs of writing were seen in ancient Mesopotamia. However, later in history, during the Egyptian civilization, the writing continued to develop as a tool used, basically by priests and wises, who invented a new and revolutionary writing known as hieroglyphs. This new writing was based on different drawings perfectly done on walls. In addition, hieroglyphs changed history because their creation inspired other ancient civilizations to create their own writing systems; they also contributed to the use of new communication systems which helped to transmit their history. New writing systems have been useful, not only as a way of transmitting history, but also as part of educational systems, economy, and many more important uses.

One of the big inventions of the Egyptian culture and that it has remained until the present time, it has been the creation of you dam fluvial. These were created with the purpose of regulating the volume of the waters in the river Nile and this way to have enough irrigable one in the years of drought. At the moment, you dam them they are of great help in all the developed countries. The necessity to have water is of maximum importance for the human subsistence.
The channels of irrigable were also created by this same civilization with the same purpose of taking advantage of to the maximum the little existent water. They are many the countries that use this system for the agriculture for these days.

Another important aspect from ancient Egypt is the religious tradition. They had a very interesting way of understanding life, death and the world; for this reason the created a religion based on nature forces. For instance, they had many different Gods representing every single aspect of human life, nature and death; they had Gods such as Anubis God of the mummification processes. Religion was so important that it played an important part in politics and economy.

all those knowledge mechanisms and technologies invented during ancient civilizations, especially during the ancient Egyptian civilization, are very useful for understanding their traditions and their legacy. In addition, ancient civilizations play an important part in the present because, their writing systems, their religions, their respect for nature and their perspective of the world, help new civilizations to develop new tools and knowledge. With the use of art and language, recent civilizations have the opportunity to study their life and their legacy in order to understand the development of the world.