miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

remark event


Egypt it´s a word full of wonderful and amazing things, This library is one of the events to us very important since it is the union of two important civilizations, since they it were the Egyptian and the Greek. And it has in the humanity a very important impact, since he guards many secrets.
The Royal Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was once the largest library in the ancient world.
The Library of Alexandria is generally thought to have been founded at the beginning of the Third century BC, during the reign of Ptolemy II of Egypt. The Library was likely created after his father had built what would become the first part of the Library complex, the temple of the Muses – the Mouseion. The Greek Μουσείον was the home of music and poetry, a philosophical school and library such as Plato's school of philosophy, also a gallery of sacred texts.
The Latin word museum is derived from this.

The Great Library of Alexandria, it(she) was founded by the first Ptolomeos by the intention of helping to the maintenance of the Greek civilization in the bosom of the very conservative Egyptian civilization that was making a detour to the Alexandrine city.
This sanctuary was receiving a small zoo, gardens, a great room for meetings and even a laboratory. The rooms that they dedicated to the library ended up by being the most important of the whole institution, which was known in the intellectual world of the antiquity(antique) to the being only(unique). For centuries, the Ptolomeos supported and preserved the library that, from his beginning, supported an environment of study and of work. They dedicated big sums to the acquisition of books, with works of Greece, Persia, India, Palestine, Africa and other cultures, though it was predominating over the Greek literature.

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