domingo, 27 de abril de 2008



When people speak about of Egypt, they think automatically about heroes, pyramids, hieroglyphics, pharaohs and a great social culture in the world.
Thus it is interesting too see the great magnitude of heroes that were identified by capabilities like fortress, fight, fantastic animals without fear and able to win enemies convert in heroes.

So we will compare differences on evil and goodness characteristics, marriage to other subjects of two characters of the Egyptian mythology; Osiris, the god of earth an fertility, and also we will be contrasting Seth, his brother, the god of drought and darkness.

Osiris, the firstborn of Nut, was the heir of the Egyptian kingdom and he represented the good side, the regeneration and the fertility of the ground, while Seth, his brother, represented the aridity and the dark side.
With time, Osiris married to his sister Isis and Seth married to Neftis, therefore upon being a god only a goodness could be his wife.

With the time Osiris became the king of Egypt after Isis. In those times the humanity lived in wild state practicing the cannibalism where as taught to his two to cultivate the fields, and how to reap and collect the crop to beted.
Seth, in the mean time, envied is the power and popularity and killed it attracting it toward a coffin, which was dragged to levanon.
A great tree grew around him being cot by a king that carried it to its Palace.

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