miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

remark event


Egypt it´s a word full of wonderful and amazing things, This library is one of the events to us very important since it is the union of two important civilizations, since they it were the Egyptian and the Greek. And it has in the humanity a very important impact, since he guards many secrets.
The Royal Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was once the largest library in the ancient world.
The Library of Alexandria is generally thought to have been founded at the beginning of the Third century BC, during the reign of Ptolemy II of Egypt. The Library was likely created after his father had built what would become the first part of the Library complex, the temple of the Muses – the Mouseion. The Greek Μουσείον was the home of music and poetry, a philosophical school and library such as Plato's school of philosophy, also a gallery of sacred texts.
The Latin word museum is derived from this.

The Great Library of Alexandria, it(she) was founded by the first Ptolomeos by the intention of helping to the maintenance of the Greek civilization in the bosom of the very conservative Egyptian civilization that was making a detour to the Alexandrine city.
This sanctuary was receiving a small zoo, gardens, a great room for meetings and even a laboratory. The rooms that they dedicated to the library ended up by being the most important of the whole institution, which was known in the intellectual world of the antiquity(antique) to the being only(unique). For centuries, the Ptolomeos supported and preserved the library that, from his beginning, supported an environment of study and of work. They dedicated big sums to the acquisition of books, with works of Greece, Persia, India, Palestine, Africa and other cultures, though it was predominating over the Greek literature.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008



For the ancient Egyptian society it was very important the paper that have the family inside the base of the society and its hierarchization, is for this reason that one of the Momentous events was the marriage which should be carried out soon since like we had mentioned the formation of the family before it was of great importance in the Egyptian society.

The appropriate age for that marriage would be 20 years for the man and enter 15 and 18 for the woman. These connections used to be concerted among the members of the family, always inside the same social class. The father's permission to carry out the wedding was an indispensable requirement. Concerted the marriage, you proceeded to the writing of a contract in which the contributions and the rights of both spouses were included, in terms of equality, what is provoking. For the celebration of the marriage it was not necessary any ceremony.

The divorce existed to the being one of the rejected parts, what motivated the abandonment of the home on the part of one of the spouses, generally the woman. The husband should maintain to the former-wife. The adultery could be punished until with the death, especially if the adulteress was the woman. But, according to the texts that have stayed, the Egyptian society was not excessively macho.

In conclusion the objective of the marriage was the procreation to assure the lineage and a decorous funeral for the parents. The creature would be breastfeed by the mother in the first three years; it seems to be that it didn't lapse a lot of time from the weaning to the beginning of the education. The father used to direct the educational process, teaching the son the family occupation in the shop or the store and finally the boy would begin as well as apprentice, system that you will continue in the medieval unions.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008


In Old Egypt, people who had free time used to spend time in enjoying certain games and sports, on everything between the highest classes. Of course, children were those that played more during their childhood, and have arrived until us diverse toys and table games that therefore demonstrate it. The small ones of all the social classes could have toys done of wood (raw material difficult to find in Egypt and that we suppose that they would obtain the highest classes to it of the society), fabric or mud, like arms, movable animal wrists, figures and people,

But also they dedicated to the communal games with its friends al free air, as fights, jumps, races and others very similar to which at the moment continues playing the children of all the world. A game that has been left engraving in the tombs is the well-known as "Game of the star", practiced as much by children and who consisted of which two of them held by the wrists to other two inclined and supported companions in the ground by the heels, while both first they had to rotate to his around to both seconds.

Between adults, entertainment of the games was more practiced by the high class, that had more time to dedicate al leisure. Aside from the table games, of which we will speak more ahead, the hunting or the fishing was dedicated to other necessities, as to please (and not by nourishing necessity).

masculine sports it seems that they were a species of military training for the war. Athletics practiced, specially the individual races or in group, the length and high jumps and the rise of weights. Competitions with chosen referees were even organized to guarantee the good operation of the game, and it was awarded to the winners with necklaces. Also there is registry of a sport very similar to the present jockey that gambled with woods and small balls, and that at the moment practices still in some zones of Egypt.

By as much, the sports them we can classify in two categories al less: one like leisure activities and entertainment, and another one like military training. Within this last one we can include, aside from the boxing, the ecuestres fight or races, activities and the shot with arc.

finally, I can also claim, the Egyptian town enjoyed its leisure of different ways, and one of them was practicing sport or dinner services, with an idea that has arrived to the present time, and is to be able to maintain a healthy body with a healthy mind.